Thursday, January 19, 2012

8.7 from the American Judge

I won't type much tonight, as I just finished my presentation for class, my hand is swollen (good story enclosed), and I have a fever.  I'm kind of tired, so I think sleep should be in my near future.  Just a few highlights from today's workout...

If you remember in my post Magnificant MILEstones, I recounted a workout that took me exactly one hour to do for one time through.  The couple before me took one hour to do two times through.  This discouraged me because I was slower, and it was taking it twice as long to finish a workout.  Until tonight.  Tonight I entered what Melissa called "Two-Cycle Territory."

I almost cried.

Tonight's workout was a strength/cardio combo training session.  For example, we would do a set of 20 strength-building exercises (20 lunges, 20 leg lift/chest press combo, 20 sumo squats) alternating with a set of 20 cardio-intensive exercises (mountain climbers, jumping jacks, high knees).  The desired outcome is that we are building muscle at the same time we are burning fat.  Remember, muscle is important because it helps us burn fat while we are doing NOTHING (which I like to do).

My motto tonight was (take notice that I sometimes adopt mottoes during my workouts to keep myself motivated), "Move, move, move."  See, I almost cancelled this session because of this presentation and my not feeling well (Melissa said she would have persuaded me to come anyway... challenge accepted), so I just had to keep telling myself to move, no matter what.

I actually went from each set fairly quickly, cutting off enough time to apparently land in Two-Cycle Territory, which I'm not complaining about.  After finishing the hour off with planks, abs, and sun salutations, I had sweat pouring off me.

Oh wait.  I forgot the best part.

During cycle 2 of high knees (you alternate bringing each knee into the air by jumping; sometimes requires a wind up), my right foot came down on the weight I was using (I guess I kept creeping forward).  My foot rolled with the weight, and I landed on my butt.  Not my most prized moment, considering the back of the room was full of football camp trainees, but I apparently landed pretty gracefully... not without trying to catch myself with my right hand and stoving it... bruising it... something.  I just know it's swollen, and it hurts.  I wish I could say that nothing was hurt but my pride, but...

Workout goal for the remainder of the week: Friday is a rest day because of class (and because my body really, really needs it... hence why I'm sick).  Saturday is Week 3 Day 2 of Couch 2 5k, and Sunday is Week 3 Day 3.

Food goal for the remainder of my life: Keep a close eye on my sodium.  MyFitnessPal keeps track of it, and I'm always over by close to or exceeding 1,000mg.  Maybe this is why I'm always puffy.  Also, because of this, I will increase my water intake by 2.