Monday, January 16, 2012


So today, I started running... again.  I had my reset weekend, and it's over.  Now, back to work.  I had to start the Couch 2 5k program again (if you recall, I stopped after Week 4 last time).  I knew I didn't need to start back at Week 1, so I started at Week 3, which turned out to be alright.

Week 3 consists of a 5 min warm-up walk, and then a 2-min jog, 2-min walk, 3-min jog, 2-min walk pattern you repeat twice, then a 5 min cool-down walk... total of 30 min.  My breathing is getting way better, as I'm able to breathe deeper and go longer without thinking my eyeballs are going to pop out of my head.

I did my warm-up and cool-down walks at 3.0, my jogs at 4.3 (I'm still not sure as to my stride, so I hope to lengthen them and up the speed soon), and my in-between walks at 3.2.  I was taking it a little easy tonight because I have some sort of inflamed hamstring situation in my right leg.  No good.  I've been icing it for the last hour and a half.

My goals for this week: Tuesday- Melissa workout, Wednesday- PiYo, Thursday- Melissa workout, Friday- Off because of class, Saturday- Week 3 Day 2 of C25k, Sunday- Week 3 Day 3 of C25k.

On another note, today was a really good day.  I really enjoy my work atmosphere and the people that comprise it.  Everyday, my boss asks me something new about my workouts or eating habits, and he's expressed many times that he feels compelled to eat better or change things in his own life because of the results I'm seeing in mine.  Another coworker has said that I am "97% the reason she's sticking with her healthy eating."  (I'm not sure where I went wrong with the other 3%.)  That's really encouraging, and it's motivation for me to keep going. 

The Catch-22 of the complete and utter honesty of this blog is that people will call you out when you're slacking, like I was this weekend.  I'm not sure how many of you readers I know in real life, but if I disappointed anyone, I'm sorry.  Just thought I should throw that disclaimer out there.

The truth is, the more you get to know me throughout this journey, you'll start to learn that I mess up... a lot.  That's part of my charm, really.  But I'm never afraid to admit when I mess up, because if you can't be honest with yourself, who can you be honest with?  It's like that "age-old," "famous" saying... "Your body knows the truth even if your food journal doesn't."  I'm not sure if that's really a famous saying, but it should be.

I'm kind of stumbling through this adventure, half blind and picking up pieces and clues as I go.  I'm still learning how to eat correctly (creating calorie deficit) and exercise correctly (I never think my butt is up when it is) and ask for advice when necessary (doesn't Google know everything?).  I'll share what I've learned, but you're learning with me, which is kind of cool.

Current frustration: I keep bouncing around 5 lbs in either direction.  If anyone knows how to get off the plateau, please let me know.  I have another 50 lbs to lose in the next 6 and a half months, and I'd like to start as soon as possible.

Edit:  Thank you to the 9 people in Russia who are viewing my blog.

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