Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Anniversaries, Falls, and Weigh-Ins, Oh My!

Happy Hump Day, y'all!

What do you want to hear about first?  My weigh-in, you say?  Okay!  I lost 2 more pounds this week, bring my total with Ben to -3 in two weeks, and my overall total of -35 in 2 years and 10 months.

Today is my two year anniversary with the boyfriend.  I met Billy on April 30, 2012.  We started dating on May 28, and on May 31, I broke my foot.  He joked for a long time (until I got off the crutches and out of the cast) that he knew me longer broken than whole.  I just have to give him such a shout out because he is such a supportive part of my life.  He is always the first to tell me that he would love me at any size, and also be the first to tell me that I can do anything I put my mind to.  He says he is proud of me all the time, and that really lifts me up.  He may not like what I make for dinner (the healthier things), but he eats it anyway.  He doesn't mind if I can't come home for lunch (when he's not working) because I'm going to the gym (he probably likes that part too much), or if I have to stay an hour after work to work out.  He still pays attention to me when I'm going on and on about how many calories I've eaten and how many I've burned and how many I have left and how many carbs are in this or that.  He comforts me when I cry when I look at myself in the mirror, and he'll tell me I'm beautiful (even with mascara running down my face) when I feel the ugliest.  He loves me with bad breath and bad outlooks and spazzy moments and in times where I don't even want to get out of bed because I feel so fat and bloated.  We are very different people with different interests and backgrounds, but for some reason, we work.  We bring out the best in each other, and I always feel beautiful with him.  And he always says he is proud to have me on his arm.  So that's my two-year shout out!  Thank you Billy for always believing me and loving me no matter what!

So what did I get myself for my anniversary?  A bunch of cuts and scrapes!  I was running late for work this morning and was rushing out the door and down the steps.  I fell on the sidewalk outside the house (a fall that was only broken by the sandwich I made for lunch) and scraped myself up pretty badly.  I knocked a chunk of flesh from my toe, which really hurt.  I was too worried about if I'd be able to complete my workout today with my toe feeling awful, but I did!

Well, let's back up.  Yesterday's workout was the standard 2 mile bike warm up and 1 mile treadmill.  It was arm day, so we did chest/shoulder press and the row machine.  My mile was the fastest it's been in a long time, clocking it at 17:01!  My back, arms, and chest are sore.

Today, I did my mile in 17:28 with the marred foot.  Upped the weight to 50 lbs. on the leg raises (I'm starting to understand my legs are pretty strong).  Overall, it was a great workout!

I realized something while I was on the treadmill: You can't keep doing what you've always been doing and expect different results. Isn't that called insanity?  Anyway, food for thought.

Change is shown on the outside, but it comes from the inside.

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