Thursday, January 12, 2012

You Never Regret a Workout

Yesterday was... bad... to say the least.  I don't know if it was the constant non-stop schedule I've been keeping the past week or the killer workout Tuesday, but Wednesday was a hard, hard day. 

I know that along this journey, there will always be times I want to give up, give in, and just plain give it nothing.  I have been super busy at work the past two weeks (which I love because it means kids want to come to my school... which ROCKS), and the weather has been rainy and crappy, and I've been fighting heinous headaches every after noon, and for some reason, I have just been plain STARVING all day, every day.  I stick to a strict 2,100 calorie a day diet (without counting the calories I lose when I'm exercising) to be on track to lose 2 pounds a week (which is healthy... I want this to stick, so I'm not all about losing 20 pounds a month, however nice that sounds). 

The past few days, I've been within 100 calories of 2,100 every day, which is so not normal for me.  I usually end around 1,700-1,800.  Not sure what that whole situation is about.  Anyway, not the point of the story.

The point is that I can give a million excuses as to why all I wanted to do when I got home from work was get in bed and not resurface until this morning.  Where I may have taken a nap after work, I got my butt up and went to PiYo to work out.

I didn't look pretty, and I didn't feel pretty, but my butt was on that yoga mat by 7pm.  And by the end of class, I was better for it.


Because you never regret a workout.

I have come to realize that I got fat because of excuses: "Well, all my friends wanted to grab a bite of dinner at (insert any restaurant name here), so I just went with them;" "oh, well if we're watching a movie, we HAVE to have popcorn!;" "Well, I'm already this fat, so what is one more late-night snack?"

My entire life has been one excuse after another as to why I can eat and why I can't workout.

That stops.  Now.  I made a resolution that I would work out 6 days a week, and I took Monday off.  So there you go.

(PS I was in bed by 9:30 last night)

Today, thankfully, was much better.  I think I can attribute my headaches to the weird rainy/snowy weather and the fact that I don't really disperse my calories correctly throughout the day.  I tried eating a way bigger breakfast this morning (almost 700 calories... Special K, banana, turkey sausage, and I may have splurged on a non-fat, one pump vanilla chai from Starbucks), and that got me through until lunch.  Hit up some Subway for a grilled chicken salad (overloaded on veggie style) and some Stacey's Simply Naked Pita Chips (another 600 calories), but by 4pm, I was hungry.  So I ate another banana and a protein bar and hit up my session with Melissa, where we pumped out the Spartacus 2.0 workout.  I sweat a LOT.

By the way, if you're looking for a good workout, try this one.  It's a great combination of cardio and strength training.  I like this one because how well you do is completely dependent upon how much you're willing to put in.  You get 40 seconds to do as many reps of each exercise that you can, so you either pump it out or you wuss it out.  I was a good compromise between the two today.

Melissa has also told me to get back on the Couch 2 5k plan, which she asked me how that was going for the week.  It's been nonexistant because I've been with her Tuesday-Thursday (I'm totally not complaining), but I'm gonna run Friday and Sunday and hit it up two-a-day style on Saturday with an AM Bootcamp workout and a run that evening.

Note: I don't know why I'm talking all gangster-style situation lately.  I kind of like it, though.


  1. I will probably do the same thing Saturday. Kudos to you for running Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I just did two back to back and I'm glad I'm not doing it today because I can barely move this morning, lol. I am loving your posts!

  2. Lots of stretching! haha... I love yours! I feel bad we kind of talk about the same things, but I guess that's what happens when we do the same workouts! haha
