Sunday, January 22, 2012

Playing Catch Up

I know.  I went and broke another resolution.  I haven't updated since Thursday.  In my defense, I've had a pretty big weekend.

Friday- I was supposed to have class, but it was canceled because of snow.  I contracted some sort of plague situation from a co-worker.  ;)

Saturday- I was supposed to have class, but it, again, was canceled because of snow.   I bought a car instead. 

Today- Today was supposed to be the day I did nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  It was going to be epic because I've been pretty sick all weekend.  Cold/sinus infection/fever/newly-formed semi-laryngitis.  But my plans to relax never seem to work out.  I had to purchase some clothing items because certain... important... garments of clothing were getting too big for comfort (I'm not complaining).  That turned into lunch with a friend's family, then slight grocery shopping, running, then making dinner for my family (BBQ chicken, edamame, and smashed roasted potatoes).

I'm really, really tired.

Honestly, part of me would love to just sleep all day tomorrow in hopes of feeling better, but I can't... and I won't.  I just have to keep moving.  There are a lot of important things to do at work.  Plus, I'll be in Charleston, SC Thursday-Sunday anyway.

So bottom line: I worked out 5 days instead of 6 days this week, and I blogged 5 days instead of 7 days this week.  I told you I'd fail a lot.

Moving on.

My running tonight wasn't the greatest, but it wasn't bad.  I blame it on the fact that I can't breathe when I'm sedentary, let alone pushing this huge body through the air at a high(er than normal) speed.  It was Week 3 Day 2 of Couch to 5k.  Alternating 2min walking, 2min jogging, 2min of walking, and 3min of jogging x2.  The first 3min jog was weird...  I jogged the first two minutes, but couldn't catch my breath.  So I walked for 30 seconds, and then finished the last 30 seconds jogging.  The rest of it was fine.  Anyone have any thoughts?!

I've been doing well on the sodium front.  I haven't gone over more than 100mg (if I go over at all) each day (loads better than the 1,000-2,000mg overage I was having).  Melissa suggested drinking Perrier carbonated water to help regulate the sodium in my body.  I don't really understand how it work, but I just do what she says.  For example:

She told me to get steel cut oats for my breakfast in the morning.  I could make all week's worth on Sunday, store them in mason jars (or any container), and take them to work to heat up.  I could add any kind of fruit I wanted to.

So I bought steel cut oats today.

She's also been keen on something called flaxseed, so I bought some natural peanut butter (low sodium!!) with flaxseed in it.  Target has some awesome organic stuff and a way lower price than like, Kroger. 

Basically, I just do what Melissa tells me to do.  Most of the time.  I really try, though.

So because I'm out of town the end of the week, I'm training with Melissa tomorrow and Tuesday, and I'm ending the run with PiYo on Wednesday night before I leave Thursday morning.  I'm excited to see what kinds of things we'll be doing this week.  Part of me wants to try some interval training with some sprints and weight combos.  I don't know if that would do much other than get my heart rate up, but I think it would be fun (yes, fun).

Exercise has become kind of addictive.  I hated that I couldn't be in the gym Friday and Saturday because of this illness/cold/whatever.  I couldn't breathe, and I didn't want to infect anyone.  I was antsy to workout today.  It just gets in your blood.  So for anyone who is just starting the working out process, give it 4 weeks.  In four weeks, it becomes routine.  You'll thank me later.  In fact, just in case you forget to tell me, you're welcome.

In return, if anyone has any suggestions on how to increase endurance while running, please tell me.  I'm better at regulating my breathing.  Now, I just need to figure out how to make my legs feel less like concrete and more like feathers.

Update: I am down 2 whole bra sizes and 1 one jacket size. 

Total sizes lost since July:
              Pants- 2
              Shirts- 1
              Jackets- 2
              Underwear- 1
              Bra- 2
              Shoe- 1 (yes, your feet shrink)
              Rings- 1

I'm getting my new, smaller yoga pants in the mail this week.  Color me excited.

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