First day back at the grindstone after the best and longest vacation ever. 7 days in the Outer Banks was just what I needed, but now I need a vacation to recover from my vacation!
A short recap: I exercised, ate a lot of seafood, met a lot of great people, and had a ton of fun. I didn't gain any weight, but that's unofficial since I'm waiting until Wednesday to officially announce my weight loss.
First workout after vacation was rough, but I pushed through. Ben upped our mileage on the stationary bike from 2 to 3 miles. Thank goodness for the iPhone game 2048-- I just played that the whole time and didn't even realize I had biked OVER 3 miles. The treadmill mile is officially the DREADmill mile. My mind was dragging my body this time, but I made it in one of my best times: 17:15. Ben upped my weights on the machines, probably to say, "WELCOME BACK!"
But I did it.
(Sorry it's a short post-- I'm exhausted!!!!!)
I have to renew my gym membership. That first workout back will be tons of fun! Lol. Zumba class tomorrow. Good job!