Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend

I hope everyone had a relaxing Memorial Day weekend!  I know I did-- I did nothing productive but eat an entire watermelon.  That's gotta be a record, right?

There's a produce stand about 10 minutes down the highway from my town that has the BEST watermelon.  It was $8 for a large one, and I ate almost the entire thing.  At least it's full of the GOOD sugars and carbs!

And I can't say anything official yet since tomorrow is my weigh in day, but I think I did really well this weekend and will see some positive results tomorrow!

Today, it's back to working with Ben.  I've been "lazy" these last few days (but not in my eating!!), so it'll be good to get back into the gym.  I'm flying solo on the workout today, but I'm alright with that!  I'll get back with my workout buddies tomorrow.

Today, my co-workers took me and another colleague out for our birthday lunch.  I ate a salad from the salad bar, chalked full of protein from ham and sunflower seeds.  I got full about halfway through the meal, so I stopped.  No need to over-indulge.  That's the one thing I'm REALLY focusing on-- only eating until I'm full.  I remember times when I would eat so much I literally couldn't move.  Then I went through a spell where I would barely eat anything because NOTHING sounded/tasted/looked good at all.  I think I'm finding a balance in that.  I leave room in my diet for snacks mid-morning and mid-afternoon, but I normally don't eat them because I'm still full from breakfast or lunch (and that's a testimony to what I'm eating, not how much I'm eating).

No matter how hard I try, I keep comparing this experience to when I first started my weight loss journey.  A new trainer with new methods and really focusing on nutrition.  Last time, I paid attention to what I ate and how fattening/caloric it was and tried new recipes to adapt to this lifestyle.  Now, I'm paying more attention to what combination of foods I'm eating throughout the day.  That seems to really be working well for me.  For example, I wanted to eat some pretzels this weekend for a snack.  Pretzels are a carb, so I paired it up with peanut butter for some fat so it'll break down slower and give my body a chance to burn it off instead of storing it.  That type of thing.  Ben is really knowledgeable about how certain foods and/or combinations of foods react in the body.  I just keep that type of stuff in my brain, and go one step at a time.

This is a BIG week for me!  Tomorrow, I weigh in and have my two-year anniversary with Billy! <3  Friday is my 29th birthday, and Saturday we leave for Nags Head, NC for a week.  I'm super excited about everything on that list, but I'm most excited about running (literally) into my 29th year with my health as my top priority.

See you tomorrow for my weigh in results!

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