Two nights ago, with the help of a Graduate Assistant in my office, I started Insanity. I'm sure you've probably heard of it, but it's a program (like P90x) that is geared toward changing your body by completing 60-ish days of intense interval training. It's like Jane Fonda's Buns of Steel on steriods... and for your entire body.
I completed the Fit Test, which consisted of minute-long spurts of 8 different exercises (high knees, power jumps, power jacks, etc.) where you count your reps. You then do the fit test four other times throughout the process and compare your reps to see your progress. It's an interesting idea, and even the fit test was difficult. My reps weren't good on some of the exercises, but I was impressed with my outcomes on some.
If I choose to do the whole program, it will take me more than two months simply because I'm not going to double up on Melissa days with Insanity Days. I'm not THAT crazy. Melissa has sad before that what we do is basically Insanity-like procedures; I believe that. She also made a comment last night that Insanity isn't really designed for weight loss. I can see that, too. Even people on P90x don't lose that much weight doing the program because they are gaining so much muscle. I think the big difference between what Melissa and I do and what Insanity does is the intensity. Insanity is 6 days a week with the 7th being a rest day. With Melissa, we go hard two or three days, and the other days are strictly cardio days like running or walking or other exercises. We do the strength training, but it has to be combined with cardio.
I think that if I take anything from this journey, it has to be that too much cardio makes you start losing muscle mass, and too much strength training will not help you lose weight effectively. Yes, muscle helps you burn fat, but cardio boosts your metabolism, so there has to be a balance between the two to acheive results.
Updates for me include my additional loss of 8.8 inches last month. I may have already updated that, but I forgot if I did... so there you go. I haven't run at all since the 5k. That is definitely on my list of things to do this week as soon as it stops being cold and snowy outside (yeah, snow).
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